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OOTB Staff Bio: Brandi Genzen, Contributing Writer


Quote: "Good energy, music and fun is what we should all live for."

My name is Brandi Genzen. My passions are local music, concerts, family and friends.

I am a mother of a 30-year-old song and two daughters, 24 and 8. I spent my young life raising children and working. I lived for everyone else expect myself.

I had my last child late in life and we had a close call. Having spent eight days at OSU hospital, mostly alone, I had a lot of time to reflect. I realized I had never lived for me or known true happiness. That’s when I decided to live a full and happy life. I asked myself what I had always wanted and never had time for and my answer was music. The one thing that really made me feel. The thing that made me smile, dance, cry, feel understood.

Today I have several friends in the music industry. I took a leap and tossed myself in. It’s important for me to support the local and new artists today. I have much respect and empathy for the industry right now. It’s hard to be seen and heard. It’s hard work both mentally and physically. The appreciation I have for artists is infinite. The talent in central Ohio is underrated.

I’m grateful to be a part of this new journey. It’s never too late to follow your dreams or take a leap.

Keep rocking Columbus.


  1. So Cool 😎 Congratulations πŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽˆ


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